Friday 28 September 2012

Make Yourself a Pin Up!

A little while ago the lovely Jessica from Chronically Vintage mentioned the wizardry of online programme Doll Divine

I had a go, and although it started out as something fun, I realised just how far apart this pin-up doll is from me in reality!

My hair never looks that good.  I don't wear blusher or eyeliner very often.  My kitchen floor is not as clean.  I only drink cocktails on rare occasions.  I have frilly aprons that I don't wear in case I spill on them.

I have been blown away by some of the stylish ladies I have virtually 'met' recently, whether through Facebook or blogs.  And I have realised something: life is too short to save all those dresses for 'special' occasions.  Life is too short not to wear the Chanel nail varnish you've been saving for 'best'.  Life is too short not to make an effort.  And it's always better to be over-dressed than under-dressed.  Wear party tights to work.

I intend to 'up my game' as they say these days and I hope that means for this blog that there will be more outfit posts, and I might even get around to doing some tutorials.

Anyway, the pin up doll creator is great fun for a Friday!  I'd love to see your creations - but even more I'd like us all to remember to indulge our real-life pin-up side.

Porelina xx

1 comment:

  1. Awww, thank you very much for mentioning my post, honey! Love your ultra cute pinup gal. Who amongst us can't use a cupcake and a cocktail at the same time every now and then? :)

    ♥ Jessica


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